Glengall Bridge
Glengall Bridge is 2.9 acre site of low rise red brick 1980s office buildings immediately adjacent to Mill Harbour, in the Isle of Dogs, London. Project comprises of a new data centre and planning application which lodged in December 2014 for a 45 storey residential tower.
Isle of Dogs, London
Services provided
• Negotiation of a letting to a new data centre operator for a 100,000ft² purpose built property subject to planning.
• Procurement of the design team for the Data Centre.
• Oversight and management of the planning application process.
• Overview and procurement, construction and sales processes.
• Creation of a business plan for the redevelopment of the remainder of the site to residential use, including setting the vision for the scheme.
• Procuring the appointments of all the design team, estate agents and the legal team and the full development management services.
• Implementation of the agreed business plan.
• Management of the design team and estate agent for a planning application for a 45 storey residential tower on the site.
• Submission to be made by December 2014.
• Ongoing reporting to client and funders.